Dragon NaturallySpeaking Error 1722

What is error 1722?

Error 1722 is nuance dragon naturallyspeaking installation error. It is of two types, where one is — “Dragon NaturallySpeaking fails to install” and “There is a problem with this Windows installer package”.

This code is an Installation error code, and that’s why If you find the error, you need to solve this quickly. Here, get the solution below for each.

Fix NaturallySpeaking Error 1722 –

Here I’m discussing solutions for both times of displaying error 1722. check below;

In the first case, the error may appear — Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.

A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.”

If DRAGON naturally speaking fails to install directly with the above message, then follow the below steps to resolve it.

SOLUTION 1 — Download and run Dragon remover tool of currently installed Dragon setup version. Then again, run the Dragon remover tool of the previous dragon version which has been installed.

SOLUTION 2 — Here is another method to clear the error where you will need to disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP). follow below;

  • Go to the Windows Start menu.
  • Open “Control Panel”
  • Tap “Classic View.”
  • Double-tap on System or Advanced System Settings.
  • Next, click “Advanced” on the System Properties box.
  • In the Performance section, hit the Settings button and click “Data Execution Prevention” tab.
  • Tap on “Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only” and apply changes by tapping OK.
  • Reboot your PC and install dragon software.

In the second case, the issue can be arrived at with “There is a problem with this Windows installer package.

A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor” message.

SOLUTION — You can sort out the issue by removing MSI files linked with Systran from C:\Windows\Installer directory. Correct the issue on Windows 2000/XP with below steps;

  1. On the start button, right-click then tap Explore.
  2. Open View tab, go to Advanced Settings and open Files and Folders.
  3. Untick “Hide file extensions for known file types” and “Hide protected operating system files” option.
  4. Next, tick the box “Show hidden files and folder” under Hidden Files.
  5. Tap “Apply to all folders”
  6. Hit the OK button.
  7. Go to C:\Windows\Installer directory, then in .MSI extension folder, right-click on each filename.
  8. Hit Properties and then the Summary tab.
  9. On the display word ‘Systran’ in the subject field, click OK.
  10. Reinstall Systran now.

In case .MSI files doesn’t help in correcting the issue, then follow these steps which are applied to Windows XP only;

  • Click ‘Start’ and tap ‘Run’.
  • Next, in the box click open and enter ‘Regsvr32 wintrust.dll’.
  • Tap OK and wait for the message to appear from .DLL.
  • Now, reinstall Systran software.

I hope these methods will help you in solving NaturallySpeaking Error 1722. If you still face issues, talk to the support team.


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