Disconnected Mode not available. There is no local profile available for this user.

Local Authenticator 5.10.2 for Active Directory single sign-on
Recently Nuance updated it's Nuance Management Center hosted server.
Users of Single Sign On with the Local Authenticator receive error  "Disconnected Mode not available. There is no local profile available for this user."
Users of the Local Authenticator 5.5.6 for Active Directory single sign-on will need to update their version of Local Authenticator to 5.10.2 to fix this error
  1. Log into NMC as an administrator.
  2. Click “Utilities”.
  3. Click “Tools”.
  4. Select the “Install local authenticator” link.
  5. Download and run the “LocalAuthenticator.exe” to upgrade to the latest Local Authenticator utility (5.10.2). 
Next step is to check that the proper server information is in the "NMS.LocalAuthenticator.Service.exe.config" file. 
  1. Browse to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\Local Authenticator" on the server and open the "NMS.LocalAuthenticator.Service.exe.config" file in Windows Notepad.
  2. Find the line   <add key="NMSServerAddress" value="nms.nuance.com" /> and verify that value= is set to "nms.nuance.com".
  3. If it is not change it to "nms.nuance.com" and save the "NMS.LocalAuthenticator.Service.exe.config" file.
  4. Reboot the Local Aunthenticator server and verify that the NMS LocalAuthenticator Service is running in Windows Local Services.
  5. The update is complete at this time. 
If there are further questions about this process please contact Nuance Enterprise Technical Support


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